MSSE Key Technology Resources

Concentration 1: Managing Software Engineering

Course 1: Managing Software Engineering

Artificial Intelligence code augmentation tools: modern software engineers should make use of artificial intelligence tools to assist them in the coding process:


Recommended Integrated Development Environment

Agile Development:


Course 2: Meeting User Needs

Agile methods:

UI/UX Design:

Course 3: Cloud Foundations

Virtual Machines

Cloud Computing


Concentration 2: Web Application and Interface Design

Course 1: Web Application Foundations

Course 2: Interactive Web Pages

JavaScript Frameworks:

Course 3: Relational Databases

Course 4: Back Ends

Back End Frameworks

Concentration 3: Software Design & Architecture

Course 1: Design & UML

Course 2: Paradigms & Patterns

Course 5: Cloud Services & Architectures

Concentration 4: Software Testing & CI/CD

Course 1: Introduction to Git & GitHub

Course 2: Software Testing

Course 3: CI/CD & Software Maintenance

Concentration 5: Cloud Applications & Architectures

Course 1: AWS Academy Cloud Foundations

Courses 2 - 5: Migrating a Web Application & Serverless Application Development

Concentration 6: Introduction to Machine Learning

Courses 1-6: Classical Machine Learning

Course 7: Neural Networks

Concentration 7: Artificial Intelligence Engineering

Course 1: Adopting AI in Your Organization

Course 2: LLM-based Applications

Course 3: Model Fine-tuning

Concentration 8: Microservices Architectures

Course 1: Microservices: Designing & Building

Course 2: Microservices: Deploying & Testing

Course 3: Scaling & Kubernetes

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