All About SMARTCASEs (Class of January 2025 and beyond)
What is a SMARTCASE?
A SMARTCASE is a quiz lesson that comes at the end of most courses.
How can I tell if a lesson is a SMARTCASE?
There are several ways you can tell if you are about to begin a graded SMARTCASE
While looking at the Playlist view, you will see the word "SMARTCASE" after the lesson number. The SMARTCASE will also display your score as a percent, and will be displayed in a different color than the regular lessons.
When you begin a SMARTCASE for the first time, you will see the minimum passing score listed above the list of objectives. This screen will also be displayed in teal.
Do all courses culminate in a SMARTCASE?
No. There are a few exceptions, although they are rare. One example of a course with no SMARTCASE is Blue Ocean Strategy.
How are SMARTCASES graded?
You can click here to read an article all about how SMARTCASEs are scored! Note that any SMARTCASES that are a part of the Business Foundations playlist are not counted towards your final grade.
What is a passing score?
A score of 80% or higher is required to pass a SMARTCASE, but earning a lower score will not prevent you from continuing with your studies. Take good notes and study up before the next SMARTCASE to improve your overall final score!
Can I retake a SMARTCASE?
Yes, you can retake a SMARTCASE as many times as you would like! They are a great way to review and practice for upcoming exams; however, be aware that only your first score will be counted towards your final grade.