All About EMBA Specializations
Quantic Specializations allow Quantic Executive MBA students to get a deeper understanding of topics they’re interested in. During each of the three, month-long specialization periods found in the program schedule, students choose at least one specialization to study, complete coursework related to that specialization, and conclude with an exam. In order to graduate, each student needs to complete three specializations; however, students can complete as many as they'd like.
How do I select a specialization?
To select a specialization, all you have to do is go to the Home page of your student dashboard, click the Curriculum button, and scroll down to see all of the specializations. From there, you are free to explore and choose as you wish. You do not have to email us or notify anyone—we’ll be able to see the three you complete at the end of the program!

What are the available specializations?
- Advanced Corporate-Level Strategy
- Advanced Finance
- Advanced Statistical Inference
- Blockchain
- Business Communications
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Entrepreneurship
- English Business Law
- Managing Software Development
- Statistical Analysis
- Strategic Leadership
- US Business Law
How many specializations do I have to complete?
In order to graduate, you must complete at least three specializations. If you take more than three specializations, only your three highest exam scores count towards your final grade.
Are any of the specializations mandatory?
While we don’t require that you take any specific specializations, there are two specializations that we strongly recommend you take to help you on your Capstone journey, depending on which Capstone project you choose to complete. For students writing a business plan, we recommend completing the Entrepreneurship specialization, while students writing the executive strategy report will benefit from completing Advanced Corporate-Level Strategy.
Do any of the specializations have prerequisite courses?
- Statistical Analysis & Advanced Statistical Inference both require courses in the Data& Decisions Concentration.
- Advanced Finance requires courses from the Finance concentration.
- Advanced Corporate-Level Strategy requires courses from theStrategy concentration.
What are the best specializations to start with?
Blockchain, Business Communications, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Finance, English Business Law, Managing Software Development, US Business Law, and Strategic Leadership do not have prerequisites, so one of those is a good starting option.
Do you ever add new specializations?
Yes! The launch of new specializations and electives are announced over email. Active EMBA students will get access to new specialization playlists, while EMBA alumni will get access to new specializations as individual elective courses.
Do I have to wait until the specialization period to start?
No! While we have scheduled periods in your program as designated specialization periods, you may complete the specialization courses at any time. The specialization exams will open once all of the courses in that specialization are completed.
Do the Smartcases scores of the specializations count even if I don't complete the specialization?
Yes, all Smartcases scores count toward your overall program score.
Do all of the specializations I take show up on my transcript?
Yes, all of your completed specializations will appear in your transcript.