Academic Advising

We know that balancing a life as a working professional and student can sometimes be challenging.  Work and family commitments, unexpected health concerns, and performance-based fears such as text anxiety, learning style and more can come between you and your learning success. 

All Quantic students who are enrolled in an ongoing cohort have access to academic advising. If you feel like you have fallen behind the schedule or are struggling to handle the workload, reach out to our advising team directly at  You can also find a link to schedule an advising session directly via resources shared in your cohort's #_general Slack channel.

Set up a 1:1 appointment with our advisors to discuss:

  • Your personal schedule and time dedicated to Quantic
  • Time management exercises and skills
  • Study skills tips
  • Individual progress plans to get you back on track
  • Deferral and other Quantic account options

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us