What is the Moonshot Competition?

What is the Moonshot Competition? 

The Moonshot Competition is a pitch competition open to students who complete an Entrepreneurship Capstone Project and Presentation - currently, Quantic Executive MBA students. This annual, multi-round competition will allow students to submit their Capstone project for a chance to be reviewed by venture capitalists, and one grand-prize winning team (or individual) will receive a cash prize, among other awards, to help them launch their winning idea!

Who is eligible for the Moonshot Competition?

To be eligible for Moonshot, you must:

  • Score a 5/5 on both the Entrepreneurship Capstone Project and Presentation. 
    • Please note that resubmitted projects are ineligible for the Moonshot Competition.
  • Meet submission deadlines for both the business plan Capstone Project and Presentation.
  • Graduate on time.
  • Have no major Code of Conduct violations.

Who is not eligible for the Moonshot Competition?

Students who:

  • Complete a Capstone other than an Entrepreneurship Capstone Project and Presentation.
  • Have committed a major violation of Quantic’s Plagiarism/Academic Policy or violate the policy more than once (whether a major or minor infraction).
  • Have committed a major Code of Conduct violation.
  • Have submitted Capstone Projects and/or Presentations past their respective deadlines.
  • Graduate late.

How do I opt into the Moonshot Competition?

If you receive a 5/5 on the Entrepreneurship Capstone Project and Presentation and meet the above eligibility criteria, your team will be invited to opt into the competition after graduation. 

What are the prizes for winning the Moonshot Competition? 

The grand prize is fifty thousand dollars (US$50,000), which will be given as a prize to the winning team, to be paid equally to the team members. 

There is also the Supermoon prize. This fan favorite award is determined by the number of engagements and/or public votes received on a project’s social post. The winner of the Supermoon award will win a free trip to an EMBA global conference. 

Where can I read more about the Moonshot Competition? 

Please give our Moonshot FAQs a read! If you still have questions after reading, please email moonshot@quantic.edu for more information.

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